Monday, January 25, 2016

Main Street News: January 25th

The Main Street Program’s Annual meeting last Wednesday, January 20, was a time to recognize our volunteers. They each do what they can. They do so because they want to. It’s not their ‘job’ and certainly no one pays them. They do it because they know they should. Although we cannot ever begin to thank each and every one of them properly, I want to at least recognize some of the great volunteers from 2015. Special thanks goes out to each of them for their endless dedication as they give of their time and talents to be Barnesville’s Main Street Program.

Our 2015 Board of Directors: Ryan Tonsfeldt, Sydni Mansager, Pete Larson, Scott Loeslie, Aubree Martinez, Duane Morey, Mary Ann Scheffler & Cindy Sillerud. The Promotions Committee: Lindsey Bontjes, Michelle Field, Brooke Fradet, Jill Moen, Jamie Tate, Dr. Katie Van Den Einde, Janet Rasmussen, Cindy Ullrich, and Cindy Zander. The Design Committee: Leah Baker, Mike Detloff, Gretchen Gottsaker, Kelly Haugen, Carolyn Peloubet, Gina Stanford, Jerry Stanford and Ruth Thomas.  The Barnesville Showcase Committee: Bruce Albright, Becky Eggiman, Dar Hines, Tom Jensen and Pete Larson. The Miss Barnesville Pageant Committee: Lenora Arntson, Becky Eggiman, Kaylene Motschenbacher, Mary Ann Scheffler, Jolene Paulson, Mary Lou Thompson, and Patty Wiczek. The Show ‘n Shine Committee: Jerry Stanford and Jon Braton. These individuals have given many hours to serve in a leadership capacity for the Main Street Program. Without that leadership, past and present, the Main Street Program would not exist in Barnesville.

But we also rely heavily on the ‘hands on’ volunteers. Those who take tickets, participate in parades, provide entertainment, serve food, carry tables and chairs and a LONG list of other thankless jobs. Without their efforts, any planning and the best of ideas would be a failure. Unfortunately, we have to say good bye to some very fine individuals on some committees that can no longer be part of Main Streets planning volunteers. Life events happen and time commitments change, so sometimes a volunteer needs to step away. We are extra thankful for their years of service.  We wouldn’t be in our current active position without their past leadership.

As you can see there is a need for both direct service and advisory volunteers. We are fortunate to have them both right here. They are Barnesville’s Main Street Program.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Main Street News: January 11th

January is named for the Roman god Janus. This particular god had two faces so that he could look ahead to the future and back at the past at the same time. So it is appropriate that many people do the same at this time of year. Looking at what has been accomplished and what is yet to come. Learning from our past and setting goals for the New Year. The Main Street Program does this each year as well when in January we hold our Annual Meeting. This helps us renew our commitment and dedication to our members, our business community and our residents.

The Main Street Program’s Annual Membership Meeting will be held on January 20th. Board Members, committee members and staff will be on hand to share their thoughts about 2015 and look toward 2016.

The Main Street Program is truly a volunteer based organization. It is structured to utilize volunteers in a variety of ways. From guidance and planning, to direct contact with businesses and residents and old fashioned hands on work, there are many tasks needed. As staff, I rely heavily upon the volunteers to complete those tasks and to give direction to the program as a whole. In other words, they are really driving the program in the direction that they see fit for Barnesville.

The Main Street Board of Directors, Promotions Committee and Design Committee each play a large role in that direction. They meet monthly to provide all of the previously mentioned skills and more!    Special committees like Showcase, Show ‘n Shine and Miss Barnesville meet seasonally as to the need and the event. Without any of these individuals, none of the Main Street events would take place. They all work together as a team to make that happen by complimenting each other, working through roadblocks and focusing all toward the same goal.

Our Main Street Program is part of a bigger picture as well. We are part of the national Main Street program. So many communities deal with the same concerns and similar situations that we do. Learning from others, as well as having additional resources available, helps to make us a stronger organization.

How does one be part of this movement, this vision, this direction for Barnesville’s Main Street Program? There are many ways. Interested people can become members either as a business or/and individual or they may volunteer on a regular basis or for short term events. I or any board member would be happy to visit with you about your interest in Main Street. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call at 354-2479. 

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.  It is the Barnesville Main Street Program.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Main Street News: January 4th

2016...another new year, another opportunity for resolutions! Now I’m not a really big New Year’s resolutions person, however, it does give one time to reflect on the past year and to look ahead to a new year. I try to take this time of year to think about the changes I want to make. Be it professional or personal, an opportunity for growth and improvement lies with each New Year. Perhaps you may think that way as well. If not consider the possibilities that resolutions or changes may make for a more enjoyable life and more success at work.

Personally, I could list the some of the same items from previous years that you may have on your list:  Lose weight, tackle the undone projects, etc, but I want to focus on the intrinsic characteristics I admire most in others. I will try to be more patient, and more tolerant and more understanding. I plan to work harder at my responsibilities and do a better job at whatever I do. I will try to make the time to “smell the roses” as they say…or in my life that means: take a walk, take a friend out to lunch or just spend time doing something for others.

Professionally, we can also set goals, both for improving our business and for developing our own capabilities. We can try to reach out to new customers or learn a new skill, in essence, challenge ourselves. Success comes to those who actively pursue excellence. If we focus on what we can do to improve at our job, the possible returns may surprise us.

The New Year brings more new undertakings for me as I learn the job here at the Main Street Program.  Events ahead will prove to be busy and worthwhile to our members and to the community as well.
In 2016, I plan to meet many Main Street members, get to know them better. These businesses have committed to the Main Street Program by becoming members. That means investing in this community’s future and working together to strengthen and support the local economy. That makes Barnesville a better place to live and work for us all.

Whatever path you choose to begin 2016 on, may it be of benefit to you and others as we in Barnesville strive to enhance relationships between residents and businesses.