Monday, April 10, 2017

Main Street News: April 10th

Growing up, I was taught the ten commandments at a very young age. Most education programs at a church will expect their student to learn the ten commandments at some particular age. Of course, none of us are ever too old to learn. They are great rules to live by in all aspects of life, but here is a different set you should take a look at…

                                                The 10 Commandments of Human Relations

  1.  Speak to people. There is nothing so nice as a cheerful word of greeting.
  2.  Smile at people. It takes 72 muscles to frown, but only 14 to smile!
  3.  Call people by name.  The sweetest music to anyone’s ears is the sound of his own name.
  4.  Be friendly and helpful. If you want friends, you must be one.
  5.  Be cordial.  Speak and act as if everything you do is a joy to you.
  6.  Be genuinely interested in people. You can like almost everybody if you try.
  7.  Be generous with praise and cautious with criticism.
  8.  Be considerate with the feelings of others. There are usually three sides to a controversy:    
 Yours, the other person’s and the right side.
  1.  Be eager to lend a helping hand. Often it is appreciated more than you know. What counts most  
 in life is what we do for others.
  1.  Add to this a good sense of humor, a huge dose of patience and a dash of humility. This  
 combination will open many doors and the rewards will be enormous!

Regardless of our walk in life, in business, in volunteer organizations, in family and in a community like ours these ten commandments are applicable. Start with one and see how easy it is to keep in mind in all you do and to all whom you come in contact with. You just might be surprised how it makes you feel better, by making someone’s day.

Don’t forget the Area Wide Rummage Sales scheduled for May 5 & 6.  If you are hosting a sale, the deadline for placing your ad in the Main Street brochure and the Record Review is Wednesday, April 26.  I’m putting in our request to Mother Nature now, we’re hoping for a weekend of nice weather and a successful selling or shopping!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Main Street News: April 3rd

With spring’s arrival and longer daylight hours, we are itching to be outside more and more. We also start thinking of all those activities we have been unable to enjoy over the long winter months.  Grilling outside, park visits with kids, outdoor ball games, and rummage sales! 

The Spring Area Wide Rummage sales are scheduled for May 5 & 6.  This is a great time for a number of people:  those who have treasures they no longer need and those who are looking for treasure.  It is spring cleaning time -a time to go through those closets, basement, attic and garage. If you’re like me, when I no longer have a use for something, I just can’t throw it away.  I always figure it might be of use to someone.  I try to find a home for it and pass it along or donate it.  For some people having a garage sale is a prime opportunity to move those things right out of the house and make a little money at the same time.  So get busy and organized.  Do that garage & basement cleaning. Sort through those boxes, clean out the kid’s toy box and put together a sale.

The annual City Wide Clean Up dates are scheduled for April 19-21.  This can help with those items you may find in your Spring Cleaning process that aren’t fit for donation or sale. Curbside pickup will be available on certain days in your neighborhoods.  Watch for more information in the Record Review. 

The Annual Rummage Sale days have become a time for some friends and family to join forces and unload some of their ‘stuff’ while hosting a sale.  Contact the Record Review for your ad information.  Deadline is April 26 so don’t wait.  They will print your ad in the paper and the Main Street program will publish it in brochures for shoppers to utilize.  Those brochures will be available at local businesses prior to the sales.  Both publications will have a map of Barnesville featuring your sale site!  Ads are being sold to businesses for print in the flyer and many are running specials those days.  Don’t forget to check them out too.

This event brings carloads of people to our community.  This not only helps those who host a sale, but local businesses as well.  Visitors will need lunch, gas, treats, and will stop at local businesses too.  So get ready Barnesville area…Rummage Sales are coming May 5 & 6.